Falling for Learning Podcast

Black College Expo & Battle of the Bands | Episode 84

TD Flenaugh Season 2 Episode 84
TD Flenaugh:

Falling for Learning Podcast is located here at the SoFi stadium. Today we are going to be at a black college fair, and we're also going to see the Battle of the band. So stay tuned. Everything is all good. We are here at the college fair, and we're going to interview this first place about their college. So tell us about your college. So


hello, I'm mania Morris. I'm a student at Scripps College. Okay, I'm on California. It's liberal arts Women's College really focused on interdisciplinary studies. So while our most popular majors are biology, psychology, neuroscience, Media Studies and Economics. We have a lot of different interdisciplinary programs, like, there's one program called Science, Technology and Society, so it's like science and humanities. We're a women's college. But what's really cool is that we are part of the five Claremont college system, which means that we are, this is right here at Scripps College. We're about 1100 students, and we're a women's college, but we're next to four other co ed institutions, and these lines that you see here are street lines. So you cross the street, you're at the next school. What's really cool is we're about 1100 students at Scripps, but all together in the consortium, it's about 7000 students, and you can take past the end of the schools. You can be on campus if you don't offer it. All the clubs, athletics and resources are all shared. So it's kind of like buy one, get four colleges for free, because once you get accepted to scripts, you can make use out of all the other resources at the end institutions and our social life is also within like the 7000 student body podcast, and we are going

TD Flenaugh:

to talk to the Council of Negro Women about their chapter and how to help the community and education.


Hi, my name is Fannie Robinson. I am the president of the National Council of Negro Women View Park section. We help in our communities for resources to underserved communities and populations who have been forgotten about or lost in the shuffle. Our core initiative, our the fourth core education, health care, housing and social justice, alright? And we go out like today, we do community outreach events where we go out and we are up close and personal with those individuals who are impacted. And our organization was started December 5, 1935 by Doctor Mary McLeod Bethune, uh, that's all I have for now. In our membership, you can go online to NC, NW, Bupa, la for more information and for membership information as well. Hello.

TD Flenaugh:

We're with the falling for learning podcast, and we're interviewing about Virginia Military Institute at the college fair. Tell us more. Alright. My name


is Jason Carrick from the Office of Admissions at Virginia Military Institute. We are a senior military college located on the western part of the state of Virginia, and we offer all six ro TC branches with it, which is a pathway for students to commission into the military. However, we don't require our students to commission, so you could very easily choose a job in whatever field that you want to we offer 14 different academic majors and many dozens of minors and concentrations to choose from

TD Flenaugh:

wonderful so what was one of the major like degrees or majors? One of one of the main majors that they have there?


We are very popular as a liberal arts college. So if you want to study anything from business, modern languages and cultures as well as you know, English, history, anything like that, we're actually rated as a top five public liberal arts college in the United States. Wonderful.

TD Flenaugh:

Thank you. Okay. Welcome to the following podcast. We're here interviewing about Edward Walters University, yes, ma'am.


Um, so we're Edward waters University located in Jacksonville, Florida. Uh, we're Florida's first and oldest HBCU, founded in 1866 where it can you, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So you want me to start over? Okay? So we are Edward waters University located in Jacksonville, Florida, founded in 1866 where Florida's first and oldest HBCU. We're completely test optional school, meaning that we'll waive your A, C, T and S, a t score if you're not the best test taker, or if you just have a really good GPA, the minimum required GPA to get in is only a 2.0 We're known for our band, our sports programs and just our campus lifestyle. Our students have a lot of fun. Um, they're always outside interacting. They go to class, but they do have a lot of fun and things like that. Yes, ma'am,

TD Flenaugh:

alright, thank you. No problem. What's one of the majors that stands out at your college. Um,


so our forensic science, our psychology, our criminal justice. Um. And our business administration are, like the top four that I would say really stand out at our university. Wonderful. Thank

TD Flenaugh:

you so much. No problem. Okay, welcome to the Falling for Learning Podcast, we're here interviewing about Edward Waters University,


yes, ma'am. Um, so we're Edward waters University, located in Jacksonville, Florida, uh, we're Florida's first and oldest HBCU, founded in 1866 where it can I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So you want me to start over? Okay? So we are Edward waters University, located in Jacksonville, Florida, founded in 1866 where Florida's first and oldest HBCU, um, we're completely test optional school, meaning that will waive your A, C, T and SAT score if you're not the best test taker or if you just have a really good GPA on a minimum of card GPA to get in is only a 2.0 we're known for our band, our sports programs and just our campus lifestyle. Our students have a lot of fun. They're always outside interacting. They go to class, but they do have a lot of fun and things like that. Yes, ma'am. Alright, thank you. No problem.

TD Flenaugh:

It's one of problem, is one of the majors that stands out at your college? Um


so our forensic science, our psychology, our criminal justice and our business administration are like the top four that I would say really stand out at our university. Wonderful.

TD Flenaugh:

Thank you so much. No problem. Hi our next representative is from Pine Bluff. Pine Bluff, Arkansas, that's right, that's more about your college.


Well, good afternoon. My name is Paul person, Director of Recruitment at the wonderful University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. We're one of the bands that's competing today at the Honda when I say the West Coast alumni of uapb came out and showed out. We did that. Just a quick snippet. Uapb is a type of university where you can come and everybody has a place of uapb, good old southern hospitality. We have a campus that's very inviting and more important, you're not even out of number at uapb. We have over 50 different majors, over six different master's program, and we're one of the only HBCUs where you can get a doctrine, and excuse me, aquatics and fisheries. So great program. More importantly, we got scholarships to give, starting at a 2.75 and moving working its way up. So visit us. Uapb.edu, apply. We wear those applications. You come on. See us in the pride down south. Tell us the

TD Flenaugh:

full name of the university.


Again. Uapb stands for University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, alright. Thank you. Come see us. Our next

TD Flenaugh:

interview is a good representative from Savannah State University. Tell us more. Okay,


Savannah State College was founded in 1890 it is an HBCU. We have a lot of strong programs. One of our alumni, Shannon sharp, who went to school with me, who went on to become an All American and what a Super Bowl champ, right? And a podcaster club station, but the programs that are very strong here are biology, criminal justice, psychology, education, and one of the things that make us, makes us so great, is we're probably the only HBCU with marine biology, because we're the college by the sea, so it's a very competitive program. We have lots of scholarships, small student, teacher ratio, because we have about maybe 3000 plus students. So you're getting personal attention from your professors. And that's just a little bit about Savannah in Savannah, Georgia, okay, well, for acceptance, you can get it with a 2.4 2.5 scholarship, 3.2 and above to be competitive. So the higher it is, the more likely you get the scholarship money.

TD Flenaugh:

Alright, so marine biology is


one of the premier Okay, yeah, and their whole biology program in general. So all the kids who are pre med, good place, all the ones who do anything in education and for law, I tell them to take history in English. Those are strong programs at our school as well. Wonderful. Thank you so much. You're welcome.

TD Flenaugh:

Welcome to the following for learning podcast, if you're here learning more about Lemoine Owen College, tell us


more. Yes. Greetings. This is lemon on college. We are the fifth oldest historically black college or university in the first and only HBCU, located in Memphis, Tennessee. All you need is a 2.0 GPA to get in, not to look for scholarship money. We need a 3.0 or above, and our top three majors are criminal justice, education and business. Come get locked in with a source of black excellence. United

TD Flenaugh:

States. 75% of children don't know how to write well. Add that to the fact that so many people out there are trying to silence the voices of those who have been oppressed and trying to prevent them from telling their story. Who's going to tell your story? Story if your child doesn't know how to write. Well, I have two books to address this issue, the rewrite method and the rewrite method workbook. Pretend to make sure that parents know what to do, that educators know what to do, to get their children to write better and just not write better, but love to write. Make sure that your next generation could tell their story, and they won't be silenced. Go to falling for learning.com today to purchase your set.


Welcome guys with Cerritos College of two year college in Norwalk, we have over 200 programs, including C TD programs, more academic programs. If you want to transfer out, we have the Transfer Center to help you out with stuff like that. If you want to just go directly into the workforce. We have the CTE programs. They have a lot a lot of support programs like the Umoja Success program. They have a lot of counselors. Some of them are here with us today. They just guide you through all your time at Cerritos. Okay, so

TD Flenaugh:

this is a community college it is, yeah, okay, and then tell me what the CTE


program is. C TD, our career technical program. So we're just prepping you. We're giving you the skills that you're you're required to have to do your job. So think about cosmetology, automotive, Machine Tool Technology, pipe welding, arch welding, regular welding. All about we have. It costs $46 a unit. If you're a full time student for a full year, it's about 1300 Yes.

TD Flenaugh:

Tell us more about success


program. This is a program mostly focused towards black, identifying student our student population. They have specialized counselors. They have a space on campus called approve, where it's just basically to do your homework. They have approved approval. The name of the room? What's the name of the room, the up space, Alright, anything

TD Flenaugh:

else you want to add to it? Else you want to add to it?


I said it cost about 1300 but that's before financial aid. About 60% of our students get financial aid, and that brings it down to zero. Most of the times you're actually getting money back for living

TD Flenaugh:

expenses. Yes, thank you so much. You're welcome. All right, our next group is going to tell us about their alma mater, which is Whittier College. So please tell us more. Let's start with you sure Whittier


College is a proud alumni for Hawaii. Whittier College is a small private independent college about located about 30 miles outside of downtown Los Angeles, small, independent and thriving, small class sizes. You really find your community there. Everybody that I'm still in touch with, from a personal standpoint, is from college, my groomsmen, college friends. So you keep in touch with folks. It's small, which can be great and can be a little troublesome, but at the end of the day, again, you find a great community. They have a ton of majors, so they make sure that you're taken care of and people care, which is a good thing. I was a business major. I started in engineering and swapped to business. So my degree was in business with a management concentration. Yes, business administration. Played a little football. Two time all American sky act champion. I picked Whittier because it was a smaller school. I didn't want to go to a big school and get lost good things and bad things for that, you missed class. Professor knew it right away and was reaching out to you, knocking on your door. Why weren't you in class? But made some lifelong friends, and I wouldn't do anything different,

TD Flenaugh:

wonderful. So you the last thing you think was a champion? What was the champion you were at


football Southern California, interscholastic? Yeah. Conference, so

TD Flenaugh:

yes, okay, thank you. Thank you. Welcome to the following for learning podcast. If you're here learning more about Lemoine Owen College, tell us


more. Yes. Greetings. This is Lemoyne Owen College. We are the fifth oldest historically black college or university in the first and only HBCU, located in Memphis, Tennessee. All you need is a 2.0 GPA to get in, not to look for scholarship money. We need a 3.0 or above, and our top three majors are criminal justice, education and business. Come get locked in with a source of black excellence. Okay, welcome

TD Flenaugh:

to the following for learning podcast. We're here. Is interviewing about Edward waters University, yes, ma'am.


Um, so we're Edward waters University located in Jacksonville, Florida. Uh, we're Florida's first and oldest HBCU, founded in 1866 where it can you, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So you want me to start over? Okay, so we are Edward waters University located in Jacksonville, Florida, founded in 1866 where Florida's first and oldest HBCU. Um, we're completely test optional school, meaning that we'll waive your A, C, T and S, A, T score if you're not the best test taker, or if you just have a really good GPA on the minimum card, GPA to get in is only a 2.0 we're known for our band, our sports programs and just our campus lifestyle, our students have a lot of fun. Um, they're always outside interacting. They go to class, but they do have a lot of fun and things like that. Yes, ma'am, alright,

TD Flenaugh:

thank you. No problem. It's one of the majors that stands out at your college. Um,


so our forensic science, our psychology, our criminal justice and our business administration are like the top four that I would say, really stand out at our university. Wonderful.

TD Flenaugh:

Thank you so much. No problem. Our next representative is from Pasadena City College. Tell us more. Hello,


so I'm Sam from Pasadena City College. We're consistently number one or two and transfers in California as well. We're an amazing community college in a super resource rich community in Pasadena. We have a lot of amazing connections there, and we have programs to get you from whether you want to be in an auto mechanic and culinary arts, engineering or arts and design. We have options for you and as soon as of all ages. We also have an amazing community education center for everything from high school diplomas to, you know, getting training, job training and ESL skills. And we have amazing certificate programs as well in cosmetology and nursing. So definitely come and check out passing into the college. Appreciate y'all for your

TD Flenaugh:

time. Thank you. Smiling for learning. Podcast is in the building of the Battle of wind. It was a little bit to get inside, but Now we're there. We're here to I See You. Thanks again for supporting the falling for learning podcast. New Episodes go live every Saturday at 5pm you can watch us on youtube.com, at falling for learning or listen on all major podcast platforms such as Apple, Google, Audible, Spotify and much more for more resources, visit falling in love with learning.com. We really appreciate you. Have a wonderful week.

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